Choir of Glory
The Choir of Glory has been ministering in the English worship for over 40 years. Some of its original members are still faithfully serving and praising God in this choir every Sunday morning. They also participate in outreach events and partner with other ministries to help share the Gospel.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is the Chinese-language choir who serves in the Cantonese worship. They seek to glorify God by helping to prepare the hearts of the congregation for the Word of God, blessing others through the singing of anthems, and leading in congregational singing.
Mandarin Choir
The Mandarin Choir serves monthly in the Mandarin worship. They sing anthems and help lead congregational singing.
Combined Choir
The Combined Choir is comprised of members from all three congregations. They serve during churchwide special services.
Children’s Choir
The Children’s Choir gives children an opportunity to serve and praise God while developing basic singing skills, receiving voice training, and learning spiritual concepts of worship.
This group of believers seek to praise God through their musical instruments. Originally formed in 1992 to accompany the Master Choir for the church’s 40th anniversary, it continues to offer instrumental music during churchwide special events.
Handbell Choir
The Handbell Choir’s mission is to glorify God through music, lead the congregation in worship, and bless Him with their handbell performances. They present music during special events throughout the year.
More Information
To learn more about these music ministries, contact Minister Elim Lau.